Ms. Pereira
Little Lamb 4 Year Old Program

PreK 4 Photo Gallery

We have been very busy this school year! We have learned the letters Aa-Zz!  We can identify the letters, write the letters, and we know the sounds the letters can make. We have enjoyed letter crafts, dancing and singing to Jack Hartmann, matching uppercase and lowercase letters, and matching beginning sounds to pictures. We can rhyme and we can use our letter knowledge to figure out some words!

We have learned all of the shapes and all of the colors. I think hexagon has been our favorite! We can find shapes in our environment, even when they are hidden! Triangle pizza at lunch or a circle clock in our classroom.

Our math time has kept us busy learning the numbers 1-10. We can identify the number and count objects using 1:1 correspondence. We can also write the numbers.  We have also learned about patterns, comparing size, and positional words. We play fun pattern games on our large touch screen.

For science and social studies we studied our community and all of the people who work in it. We learned about so many jobs and how they help in our community. Some of our art projects were a police car and fire truck, but our favorite was the bulldozer!

We will finish off the year learning all about plants and what they need to grow. And we cannot forget about the bugs! We took a virtual field trip to the greenhouse too.

During our religion time we learned the Stations of the Cross and we learned all about Noah. We know that Jesus is always in our hearts and he forgives even when we don’t always make good decisions. We continue to say our prayers every day. We know how to make the sign of the cross, the Hail Mary, the Our Father, and our prayer before meals.

During the month of May we honor Mary. We say a decade of the rosary every morning.

Our fine motor muscles are getting stronger every day. Our cutting skills are amazing! We love cutting, gluing and coloring.

Our large motor muscles are also used every day! We enjoy dancing, jumping, and running outside on the playground! We can climb stairs, slide down the slides, and bounce a basketball.

We are looking forward to our Preschool graduation, we have some amazing songs that we have been practicing for our families!

May God continue to bless you and enjoy the summer months.

The PK 4 Team

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