Ms. Gately – Art Teacher

Office Hours:

What a wonderful year I had at St. Stan’s! It was such a great experience to meet and work with the students and teachers in this caring community. I especially enjoyed curating and hanging our school’s first annual art show. We have such a talented group of students.  I hope that everyone gets a chance to have some time to be creative this Summer or at least to visit an art museum. Below you will find a list of art museums that are especially fun for families in the Pioneer valley. I will be spending the Summer teaching classes at a few different Senior Centers and local libraries as well as taking some classes. I will also be spending a lot of time outside gardening and most importantly I will have more time to make art!  I hope you all get a chance to relax and have fun this Summer. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in the Fall and to continue making vibrant, creative masterpieces!