Mrs. Kennedy & Mrs. Schurch- 2nd Grade
Office Hours: Language Arts – Wednesday 7:45-8:10am (Mrs. Kennedy). Math – Monday 2:45-3:15pm (Mrs. Schurch).

Click for Curriculum Brochure                   Grade 2 Photo Gallery

Dear Parents and Students,

Below are the days and times we offer office hours for extra help sessions in Math and Reading.

Ms. Taylor’s office hours for Reading are Monday mornings from 7:45 -8:10.  Mrs. Schurch’s office hours for Math are Monday afternoon from 2:45-3:15.  Mrs. Kennedy’s office hours for extra help in Language Arts are Wednesday mornings from 7:45-8:10.

Below are the days and times Title 1 Services are offered. (Teacher invitation only)

            Math Title 1-Tuesdays 7:45 a.m.

            Reading Title 1-Wednesdays 2:45 p.m.

Second Graders are busy learning new things every day, and there are so many exciting things yet to learn. Mrs. Kennedy is your child’s Language and Science teacher.  Mrs. Schurch is the Math and Social Studies teacher.  We both teach Religion, Reading, and Spelling.    

We are at the halfway mark of the school year, and we continue to focus on developing a positive classroom community and reinforcing classroom policies and procedures.  It is important for all of us to support one another as we continue through the school year together at St. Stan’s. 

Below is an outline of concepts that will be covered.

Religion: This is a very special year for second graders as we prepare our hearts for Jesus.  We will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist.  We are looking forward to preparing your child for these special sacraments.  Both are a time of joy and excitement as the children come closer to Jesus.

Our Religion series is called Christ In Us.  The first unit, “How do we live what we believe?”  consists of 5 lessons.

            Lesson 11-How do we know God loves us?

            Lesson 12-How do we respond to God’s love?

            Lesson 13-How does God teach us to love?

            Lesson 14-What turns us away from God’s love?

            Lesson 15-What turns us toward God’s love? 

Reading:  Students will read realistic fiction, fiction, and informational text.  They will learn the vowel digraphs ie (that makes the long e  and long i sound); ee, ea, ey, y (that make the long e sound); and o, oa, ow (that make the long o sound).

This unit will help your child with the following skills:

  • Understanding setting and characters
  • Identifying main ideas
  • Making and confirming predictions
  • Explaining patterns and structures in poetry
  • Understanding plot elements
  • Comparing and contrasting
  • Text features:  headings, bold words, photos, captions, glossary, and index

The children will be expanding their vocabulary and comprehension skills as we continue to progress through the year.  

Our weekly spelling lists consist of 10 spelling words, 3 High-Frequency words, and 5 Vocabulary words.  Tests will be given on Fridays, and they will consist of the spelling words and high-frequency words.  Students need to understand the meaning of each vocabulary word as they will be tested on these words.  New word lists will be sent home on Fridays.  Please log into the Spelling City website using the following link to help your child study weekly spelling words by playing some fun games.  Also, this is a great resource to use if your child is absent when lists go home or if the list gets misplaced.   Spelling words will also be posted in Google Classroom Announcements.

Language:  Students will be improving their writing skills by learning about nouns, plural nouns, possessive nouns, and proper nouns.  They will plan, draft, and publish their writing.

Science: We will be learning about Technology and Tools: what technology is, the steps of the design process, and how we use tools and machines.

Math:  We will be learning about money, time, measurement, and adding and subtracting within 1000.

Social Studies:  We will be learning about countries in North America, Presidents’ Day, Seasons and Climates, and World Regions.

Feel free to contact us throughout the year with any questions or concerns that may arise. You may contact the school office at 592-5135 or send an email.  Mrs. Kennedy’s email address is, and Mrs. Schurch’s email address is

Thank you and may your child continue to have a positive and fun-filled year!

Mrs. Kennedy & Mrs. Schurch ☺



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